About This Website

About & Contact The Dev

Linkin Park

Firstly, I'm a hugeeeee Linkin Park fan,
Second I'm Arshad, a junior web developer, learning to make websites.
I'm striving for excellence in this field. I'm trying to learn more and more everyday and be very good at web development someday.
Fun Fact : I do not have a Computer Science Degree
Actually I've always wanted to be a Software Developer, but couldn't study Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) due to various reasons and circumstances.
That's the reason I do not have a degree in the relative field but I am just as qualified as others with a CSE degree if not more, because it's my passion, I love coding.
If you want to contact me,
You can mail me at - arshadchowdhury46@gmail.com
or you can Whatsapp me - +8801676830816